Your confirmed order at Rent a Car Lofoten
Persönliche Angaben Vorname: Oliver
Nachname: Schmidhofer
Telefon: +4915140715472
Adresse: Dilldorfer Allee 7c
Postleitzahl: 45257
Stadt: Essen
Notizen: Hello,
we are not sure yet if we can make it at 9 am.
We will arrive with Costa Favolosa at the port at 8am and we need to use the tender boats.
How can we arrange the key exchange (and payment?), of we are uncertain about our correct arrival time.
Land: Germany
Auftragsdatum 27/04/2024 17:27
Auftragsnummer 19953
Auftragsnummer 839057794-1714238871
VW Polo AA 60342

VW Polo AA 60342

Mittwoch 29/05/2024 09:00
Mittwoch 29/05/2024 16:30
Gravdal / Leknes, Cruise port
Gravdal / Leknes, Cruise port
Standardversicherung Kr. 850,00
Full forsikring i tillegg til basis forsikring, uten egenandel / Full insurance in addition to basic with no excess Kr. 350,00
Basis forsikring med egenandel ved skade på 10.000,-/ Basic insurance with excess in case of damage 10.000,- Kr. 150,00
Abholungs-/Abgabegebühren Kr. 3.000,00
Total Kr. 3.250,00

Use only credit card: Mastercard, Visa, JCB, UnionPay, Diners Club or Discover.

Bruk bare kredittkort av typen: Mastercard, Visa, JCB, UnionPay, Diners Club eller Discover.

We do not take American Express

Vi tar ikke American Express

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