Your confirmed order at Rent a Car Lofoten
Persönliche Angaben Vorname: Grazyna
Nachname: Rohlf
Telefon: +491736881157
Adresse: Bürgerm.-Bellersen-Str. 15
Postleitzahl: 31542
Stadt: Bad Nenndorf
Notizen: The driver of the car will be Carsten Etzrodt. I only rent the car for our family. Is that okay?

Land: Germany
Auftragsdatum 24/04/2024 08:53
Auftragsnummer 19923
Auftragsnummer 522103098-1713948805
Opel Vivaro YT 71841

Opel Vivaro YT 71841

Sonntag 30/06/2024 10:00
Montag 01/07/2024 18:00
Gravdal / Leknes, Cruise port
Gravdal / Leknes, Cruise port
Standardversicherung Kr. 3.300,00
Full forsikring i tillegg til basis forsikring, uten egenandel / Full insurance in addition to basic with no excess Kr. 700,00
Basis forsikring med egenandel ved skade på 10.000,-/ Basic insurance with excess in case of damage 10.000,- Kr. 300,00
Abholungs-/Abgabegebühren Kr. 1.900,00
Total Kr. 6.200,00

Use only credit card: Mastercard, Visa, JCB, UnionPay, Diners Club or Discover.

Bruk bare kredittkort av typen: Mastercard, Visa, JCB, UnionPay, Diners Club eller Discover.

We do not take American Express

Vi tar ikke American Express

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