Your confirmed order at Rent a Car Lofoten
Personopplysninger Vorname: Markus
Nachname: Bartosch
Telefon: +491718042168
Adresse: St Engelbert Straße 34a
Postleitzahl: 51519
Stadt: Odenthal
Notizen: Is it possible to Book an additional driver?
Land: Germany
Ordre Detaljer
Ordre Dato 18/02/2024 20:43
Ordre Nummer 19346
Bekreftelses Nummer 1918500134-1708288990

Ford Grand C-Max YT 68150

Lørdag 20/07/2024 14:30
Lørdag 27/07/2024 07:00
Hente Sted
Svolvær Hurtigrutekai/Express Boat
Innleverings Sted
Svolvær Hurtigrutekai/Express Boat
Billeie / Car Rental Kr. 5.880,00
Full forsikring i tillegg til basis forsikring, uten egenandel / Full insurance in addition to basic with no excess Kr. 2.450,00
Basis forsikring med egenandel ved skade på 10.000,-/ Basic insurance with excess in case of damage 10.000,- Kr. 1.050,00
Hente/Avleverings Gebyr Kr. 200,00
Total Kr. 9.580,00

Use only credit card: Mastercard, Visa, JCB, UnionPay, Diners Club or Discover.

Bruk bare kredittkort av typen: Mastercard, Visa, JCB, UnionPay, Diners Club eller Discover.

We do not take American Express

Vi tar ikke American Express

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